Cookie Policy
This policy outlines what cookies and similar tracking technologies my website uses, how I use them and information on how to opt out of these cookies if you wish to do so.
What are Cookies?
Cookies and similar tracking technologies, such as tags, scripts and beacons, are small pieces of code (referred to as cookies hereafter) that are stored on a device (computer, mobile phone, tablet etc.) and enable a website to "personalize" itself to users by remembering information about the user's visit to the website.
Cookies are used to collect information, where available, about your device, your IP address, operating system and browser type and how you have interacted with our websites.
While cookies are used to identify users and devices, they only ever collect non-personal information such as IP addresses and device IDs. I don’t use this website to collect any other information, so there is no way for me to be able to connect analytical data generated by cookies to a specific individual.
Why Cookies?
My website uses cookies to track usage and trends. Data from cookies on my website is tracked by Google Analytics. IP addresses are anonymized.
Per-session cookies: We only use these while you are visiting our website and they are deleted when you leave. They remember you as you move between pages, for example recording the items you add to an online shopping basket. They also help maintain security.
Persistent cookies: These cookies stay on your computer until they expire or are deleted.
I set automatic deletion dates so that I don't keep your information for longer than I need to.
First and third-party cookies: Whether a cookie is 'first' or 'third' party refers to the website or domain placing the cookie. First party cookies in basic terms are cookies set by a website visited by the user - the website displayed in the URL window. Third party cookies are cookies that are set by a domain other than the one being visited by the user. If a user visits a website and a separate company sets a cookie through that website this would be a third-party cookie.
Opt Out of Using Cookies
I provide you with choice over the use of cookies as described in this policy.
Cookie Controls
Most browsers allow you to manage cookie settings. These settings can usually be found in the 'Options', 'Settings' or 'Preferences' menu of your browser. The links below are provided to help you find the settings for some common browsers.
Manage cookie settings in Chrome and Chrome Android and Chrome iOS
Manage cookie settings in Firefox
Manage cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Manage cookie settings in Microsoft Edge
Manage cookie settings in Safari and Safari iOS​​​​​​​
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